Hanh and Harry who enjoyed God-gossip
/Michael, M.G. "Hanh and Harry who enjoyed God-gossip" in "The blind masseuse from Saigon", Antipodes, 63, 2017, p. 179.
Michael, M.G. "Hanh and Harry who enjoyed God-gossip" in "The blind masseuse from Saigon", Antipodes, 63, 2017, p. 179.
Michael, M.G. "Leo had begun to sprout wings", in "The Yellowing Pages of the Almanac", Westerly, 56(1), July, 2011, p. 149.
Michael, M.G. "And began to speak", in "Short Stories Off the Wing", Southerly , 70(1), 2010, p. 32.
Michael, M.G. "He would not speak, not even a single word", in "The Broken Trumpet Beneath the Yellow Moon", Westerly, June, 58(1), 2013, pp. 193.
An Anthology Of Creative Works By M.G.Michael